Schreiber Foods Nutrient Management Plan

Schreiber Foods Nutrient Management Plan

Schreiber Foods Nutrient Management PlanSchreiber Foods Nutrient Management PlanBIO-WEST conducted a hydrogeological investigation and developed a nutrient management plan for irrigation of a 160-acre agricultural property in Amalga, Utah, with partially treated wastewater from a cheese production facility. The project included installing wells and monitoring groundwater and soil to document pre and postirrigation groundwater quality; calculating soil fertility and nutrients; calculating the lagoon water balance, crop nutrient uptake, and soil infiltration capacity; attending meetings with Utah Department of Environmental Quality regulators; developing planting recommendations for 2007 and 2008; conducting a feasibility evaluation for Utah Pollution Discharge Elimination Permits for noncontact cooling water; conducting a feasibility study for expanding the evaporation lagoons to include treatment wetlands; and completing a Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan for the facility’s oil storage tanks and on-site equipment.
Schreiber Foods Nutrient Management Plan