State Governments and Agencies
State government organizations and agencies are charged with an array of important responsibilities, including the oversight and regulation of state resources such as transportation, water, fish, game, wildlife, air quality, and historic preservation. Since 1976 BIO-WEST has assisted state governments and agencies with the care and keeping of these resources. Our services are often related to the National Environmental Protection Act and related regulations such as the Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act, and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. That is why BIO-WEST has extensive experience with environmental impact statements, environmental assessments, biological assessments, categorical exclusions, and related environmental permitting and clearances. However, we also worked extensively on many other project types, including management planning, restoration projects, remediation projects, resource studies, data management, web mapping applications, GIS analysis and planning. Because we understand the objectives of state agencies and organizations—and how they fit together—BIO-WEST is an efficient and valuable partner to assist with state-based projects and environmental problem solving.
A partial list of our present and former state clients includes the following: