Our staff routinely investigate and delineate wetlands, identify and quantify wetland functions and values, and determine the context of each wetland to understand its unique functions such as history, size, location, vegetation, wildlife composition, and adjacent land uses. While we always design projects to eliminate or minimize wetland impacts, we can also assist clients with developing mitigation plans and monitoring mitigation to provide appropriate compensation for unavoidable wetland impacts. Through experience preparing numerous wetland investigations, delineations, mitigation plans, we frequently negotiate and coordinate with the appropriate agencies (e.g., U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) to minimize the effort required to develop appropriate mitigation to compensate for unavoidable wetland impacts from project construction. Our specific services offered in relation to wetlands are listed below.
Wetland Investigations:
- Hydrological Source Identification
- Rare/Endangered Plant Surveys
- Soil Mapping and Characterization
- Water Quality Analysis
- Wetland Functions and Values Identification and Assessment
- Wetland Identification
- Wetland Plant Community Characterization
Wetland Mitigation Design/Monitoring:
- Erosion and Sediment Control Plans
- Functional Assessment
- Hydrologic Investigations
- Hydrologic Modeling and Sampling
- Photo Determinations
- Reclamation/Vegetation Plans
- Report and Map Preparation
- Site Selection
- Stream Relocation
- Vegetation Analysis
Wetland Regulatory Compliance:
- Agency Coordination
- Jurisdictional Wetland Boundary Delineation
- Permit Preparation and Modification
- National Environmental Policy Act Documentation
- Resource Management Plans
Wetland Projects: