Decades of impacts from agriculture, mining, forestry, grazing, and land development have led to a growing need for stream channel, floodplain, and riparian-wetland mitigation and restoration in the western United States. We specialize in stream and riparian studies that help clients meet this need. Rather than attempting to provide temporary “fixes” for specific problem areas, we use a watershed approach to ensure long-term restoration success. Our staff are familiar with water resource issues in the Intermountain West and other states, and use an interdisciplinary, holistic approach to resource problem solving. We provide services in the specific areas listed below.
Watershed Science:
- Conceptual and Construction-Level Restoration Plan Design
- Hydrogeomorphic Data Collection/Analysis
- Public Involvement Coordination
- Required State and Federal Permits Regulatory Coordination
- Restoration Plans Incorporating Recreational, Educational, and Historical Components
- Restoration Project Construction/Monitoring Oversight
- Stream Channel and Floodplain Restoration
- Stream Channel Stability Assessments
- Watershed Assessments for Restoration Site Prioritization
Water Quality Assessment and Mitigation:
- Benthic macroinvertebrate data collection and analysis for biological water quality assessments
- Best Management Practice Design and Implementation
- Community Stormwater Planning (to meet National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System [NPDES] Phase II requirements)
- Erosion and Sediment Control Inspections
- Nonpoint Source Pollution Investigations
- NPDES Permit Regulatory Coordination
- Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3) Design
- Total Maximum Daily Loads Analysis
- Water Quality Data Field Collection and Analysis
- Water Quality Monitoring Programs Development
Watershed, Stream Channel, and Hydrologic Investigations:
- Channel Geometry/Profile Topographic Surveys
- Channel Maintenance and Flushing Flow Studies
- Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Dam Relicensing Studies
- Instream Flow Incremental Methodology Analyses
- Sediment Transport Sampling and Modeling
- Stream Channel Stability Assessments
- Stream Channel Surveys/Classification
- Streamflow Measurement and Analysis
- Watershed Plans/Assessments
View Specific Watershed Science Projects: