Fort Union Boulevard Intersection Categorical Exclusions

Fort Union Boulevard Intersection Categorical Exlusions

Union CatBIO-WEST conducted impact assessments and completed the environmental documentation for the improvement of two intersections near Cottonwood Heights City, Utah (City). Because the two intersection projects were federally funded, the City was required to complete National Environmental Policy Act documentation as Categorical Exclusions. The effort entailed data file and site reviews to determine environmental constraints. BIO-WEST provided documentation and preparation of determination or concurrence letters of no effect for threatened and endangered species, wetlands, and historic properties. BIO-WEST also coordinated with the City for stakeholder involvement of the commercial properties adjacent to the highly developed Highland Drive intersection. BIO-WEST assisted the City’s engineer with preparing the necessary purpose and needs statement and graphics demonstrating the scope of improvements at each intersection. BIO-WEST provided the liaison and coordination with the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) Region 2 environmental team to ensure streamlined documentation and approval. Two separate Categorical Exclusion documents were prepared, one for each intersection. These documents were authorized under UDOT’s Revised Memorandum of Understanding with the Federal Highway Administration. Documentation was done using UDOT’s ePM submittal process.

Union Park
