BIO-WEST conducted a subsurface investigation to delineate a 2,000-foot-long contaminant plume using Geoprobe® and hollow-stem auger drilling, supervised enhanced fluid recovery to recover free product from an 800-foot plume, and conducted pilot testing to determine the effective radius of influence and air injection/extraction rates. The Corrective Action Plan detailed using three separate soil vapor extraction (SVE) and aquifer sparging remediation systems to treat on- and off-site soil and groundwater contamination, for which BIO-WEST completed engineering design, selected equipment, and completed the associated engineering cost estimate. In order to complete the project, BIO-WEST obtained access agreements, leases, and permits from adjacent property owners, Moroni City, and the Utah Department of Transportation. BIO-WEST’s project engineer then presented the Corrective Action Plan at a city planning and zoning meeting.
In addition, BIO-WEST obtained electrical, natural gas, and telephone utility services for the remediation systems and provided construction management and labor for system installations that included 62 aquifer sparging wells, 88 SVE wells, 2 catalytic oxidizers, 1 thermal oxidizer, and associated aquifer sparging and SVE blowers. System installation included supervision of drilling crews, electricians, excavators, asphalt crews, and laborers. The remediation systems removed the free product, and BIO-WEST reached the 100 percent cleanup milestone in less than 3 years of operation.