New Mexico Emergency Water Wells

New Mexico Emergency Water Wells

New Mexico Emergency Water WellsNew Mexico Emergency Water WellsBIO-WEST is assisting the US Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) with the installation of six drought emergency water wells in New Mexico near the communities of Cañon, Carlsbad, Los Brazos, Regina, Hagerman, and Eunice. The project includes conducting hydrogeologic studies of each area to select optimal well sites; designing drilling programs and preparing drilling specifications; preparing drilling permit applications to be submitted to the New Mexico Office of the State Engineer; participating in prebid meetings with Reclamation and prospective bidders on drilling contracts; monitoring drilling; supervising and interpreting geophysical logging of borings; developing final well designs; ensuring proper installation of materials and an accurate accounting of all materials used for well construction; ensuring full well development; specifying and monitoring pump tests; collecting data to determine aquifer characteristics, well efficiencies, and long-term sustainable pumping rates; compiling and analyzing lithologic, geophysical, hydrologic, water-quality, and groundwater-production data; and preparing reports summarizing results of drilling programs and making recommendations for design pumping rates and pump settings.

BIO-WEST is also completing National Environmental Policy Act evaluations (Environmental Assessments) for each well site to assess the relevant environmental issues and impacts associated with well construction and operation, and analyze each well-site alternative.