The State of Utah hired BIO-WEST to prepare a Comprehensive Management Plan (CMP) for the Utah portion of Bear Lake in Rich County. The purpose of the plan is to identify issues and concerns relative to the sovereign lands and resources at Bear Lake and to propose alternative management prescriptions that will address those concerns. The planning process incorporates comprehensive public involvement activities including facilitation of public workshops, formation of a planning work group, and coordination with local stakeholders. BIO-WEST has divided the planning process into three general phases of work: (1) Identify Issues and Opportunities; (2) Formulate Alternatives; and (3) Prepare Documents. Phase 1 involves becoming familiar with the project area, implementing the public and agency involvement program, and identifying planning issues, goals, objectives, and criteria. Phase 2 involves continuing public and agency involvement, conducting site and environmental analyses, and developing and evaluating alternative management prescriptions. Phase 3 involves continuing public and agency involvement and preparing draft and final management plan documents. The CMP is anticipated to address such issues as riparian-wetlands, wildlife, fisheries, water quality, hydrology, land use, recreation, and access.