BIO-WEST provided the Utah Department of Transportation with a wide range of environmental support and planning relevant to the National Environmental Policy Act for the permitting and approval of the Legacy Parkway Project, which was designed to alleviate traffic congestion in the heavily traveled freeway corridor from north Salt Lake County to Davis County. BIO-WEST also provided oversight for the development and management of the Legacy Nature Preserve, which is a 2,098-acre area of important wildlife lands that are part of the Great Salt Lake ecosystem. The Utah Department of Transportation purchased the area to develop the Legacy Nature Preserve, which serves as mitigation for parkway-related road improvements and the extensive trail system, in accordance with the project’s Clean Water Act Section 404 permit. BIO-WEST’s responsibilities for this project included coordinating with and reporting to the US Army Corps of Engineers relative to Clean Water Act Section 404 permitting; developing and implementing an overall water program (quality, quantity, rights, modeling) for the preserve; planning (resource management plans, long-term planning, and implementation support); support for preserve management (manager support, maintenance, monitoring, weed control, facilities, and public outreach and coordination); engineering and construction; development of a research program; and coordinating with communities, agencies, and the public.