In 2007 BIO-WEST worked with Salt Lake County to preserve, restore, and enhance the county’s natural areas. These developed parks and undeveloped, open-space lands benefit the community with their aesthetics, wildlife habitat, and low-impact recreation opportunities. But many residents, communities, and land-management agencies throughout the county have become increasingly concerned about the preservation of open-space and park lands, which are quickly disappearing as development continues at a rapid rate in Salt Lake Valley.
In order to effectively manage these lands, Salt Lake County and BIO-WEST developed a Natural Areas Land Management Plan: Standards and Operations Manual. The manual guides County Parks and Recreation staff in identifying, monitoring, and maintaining natural areas under their jurisdiction. It also provides guidance and procedural direction for reclamation and restoration of natural areas. Its guidelines are not intended for specific land parcels; rather, they serve as general guidelines for all natural areas throughout the Salt Lake Valley, including those managed by private organizations, municipalities, and land-management agencies. The manual also establishes standards and guidelines for defining and classifying natural areas by landscape type, maintaining natural areas, and rehabilitating degraded natural areas.