AREPI Salt Lake City 16-inch Pipeline

Anschutz Ranch East Pipeline, Inc. Salt Lake City 16-inch Pipeline

Anschutz Ranch East Pipeline, Inc. (AREPI) Salt Lake City 16-inch PipelineAnschutz Ranch East Pipeline, Inc. (AREPI) Salt Lake City 16-inch PipelineBIO-WEST has been contracted to provide environmental consultation and advice as to NEPA procedures, alternatives analysis, and impact evaluations required for the construction of an approximately 92-mile-long petroleum product pipeline from the Wyoming border to Salt Lake City, Utah. Our responsibilities are focused on the biological resources, particularly wetlands and wildlife. BIO-WEST is also expected to organize and participate in the public scoping process for the portion of the pipeline corridor through the Salt Lake Valley.



To that end, BIO-WEST is assisting the client with:

Anschutz Ranch East Pipeline, Inc. (AREPI) Salt Lake City 16-inch Pipeline

  • Acquisition of all Necessary Permits and Clearances for Wetlands and Streams to be Crossed
  • Managing Field Efforts
  • Coordinating with Resource Agencies and the Client
  • Conducting Field Delineations, Conducting Data Management
  • Producing Reports for Review by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
  • Coordinating Nationwide Permit Processes
  • Monitoring Pipeline Construction
  • Providing GPS and Technical Assistance

Team members have also worked with the Rocky Mountain Pipeline lawyers to finalize language in the delineation report to best represent findings in the context of a nationwide permit.